Organizing Tips for Government Offices

Organizing Tips for Government Offices

Great Tips for Organizing Literature for Government Offices and Lobbies

Closets packed to the brim with boxes and desks cluttered with information make it difficult to serve clients effectively. If you’re looking to reclaim valuable space in your government office and make information readily available to clients, display racks can help you get the job done.

Here are tips to turn office clutter into a resource center for clients.

Answer frequently asked questions.

Identify questions regularly asked of the staff and provide literature to answer them. It shows you understand the needs of your clients and gives your staff more time to address specific concerns.

Provide forms.

Make paperwork required or collected by your office readily available to the public. Doing so eliminates the need to request forms from busy employees allowing them to focus their attention on serving customers and processing paperwork. It can also reduce wait time for customer service because clients are able to complete the forms in advance.

Get in their line of vision.

Consider waiting rooms, lobbies and other high traffic locations in your building as ideal places to display information. Ensure the materials are easily viewed and accessed by your desired audience. You should also evaluate the places where customers form lines while awaiting assistance and position display racks within their reach.

Support other government agencies and resources.

Provide brochures and travel information to promote local landmarks, parks and attractions. Inform clients about rewarding government careers by including information about job openings, recruiting events and opportunities in branches of the military.

Catch their eye with bright colors.

Use bright colors to make important, timely information stand out from other materials. Utilize large fonts to draw added attention to notifications and materials of increased importance.

A literature rack allows you to consolidate multiple boxes of brochures into one organized space – where customers can better find information and you can better promote it. If your government office needs a more efficient way of distributing materials, contact Great Display Company today and say “goodbye” to cluttered closets tomorrow.

 Shop literature racks

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