Organizing Tips for Educational Facilities

Organizing Tips for Educational Facilities

5 Great Tips for Organizing Your Educational Literature

School buildings are overflowing with information for students, parents and teachers alike. With curriculum requirements, policies, student handbooks and countless other materials to distribute, school administration needs an effective way to organize literature for maximum impact. The addition of a display rack to your office allows the administrative staff to maintain a constant resource of information for a variety of audiences.
Here are helpful tips for organizing your literature.

Identify your audience.

Assign color schemes to each group or use large headers to guide teachers, students and parents to the information directed at them. Keep the materials for each group separated and clearly marked to prevent confusion or miscommunication.

Use bold colors for important notifications.

Select a bright or neon colored paper for communications requiring immediate attention or response. Bold colors make it stand out from the materials around it and are less likely to be overlooked.

Leverage levels.

Place materials geared toward children low on your display rack and literature for parents at the top. Doing so puts the information at eye level and within arm’s reach of its intended audience for maximum distribution.

Promote your school.

Fill your display rack with materials that highlight what’s happening in your building, on your campus or within your district. Utilize space to distribute newsletters, monthly calendars, event flyers and fundraiser information with ease.

Keep it current.

Review the information regularly to ensure only the most current material is on display. Purge outdated items and replenish quantities that are running low.

Literature display racks are a great way to distribute a variety of information to diverse audiences at your school. It can be a valuable resource for parents, students and teachers while using minimal space in your administrative office. Great Display Company has products that will make the grade, contact us today to find the product that best suits your needs.

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